Security settings

Security settings(17)


search results

  1. How do I change my phone number on Myforex?

    Security settings
    To change your phone number, go to the security settings after logging in to Myforex. Verify yo...
  2. Can I change my Myforex email address?

    Security settings
    To change your email address, go to the security settings after logging in to Myforex. A confir...
  3. How do I change my Myforex password?

    Security settings
    To change your login password, go to the security settings after logging in to Myforex. Your ne...
  4. How do I log in to Myforex with my Twitter account?

    Security settings
    Myforex offers social login enabling you to log in with your social media account. Use this fea...
  5. How do I complete two-factor authentication via SMS?

    Security settings
    When changing personal information such as your phone number, Myforex uses a two-factor authent...
  6. How do I complete two-factor authentication with my login password?

    Security settings
    When changing personal information such as your phone number, Myforex uses a two-factor authent...
  7. I want to use SMS for two-factor authentication.

    Security settings
    When changing personal information such as your phone number, Myforex uses a two-factor authent...
  8. I want to use an authenticator app for two-factor authentication.

    Security settings
    When changing personal information such as your phone number, Myforex uses a two-factor authent...
  9. What is "two-factor authentication"?

    Security settings
    Myforex enhances security by requiring another identification check in addition to the usual pa...
  10. How do I complete two-factor authentication with my authenticator app?

    Security settings
    When changing personal information such as your phone number, Myforex uses a two-factor authent...
  11. Social login isn't working on my iPhone/iPad.

    Security settings
    If your iPhone/iPad is running iOS 16.1, logins with Google or Twitter are unavailable. Please ...
  12. How do I log in to Myforex with my Google account?

    Security settings
    Myforex offers social login enabling you to log in with your social media account. Use this fea...
  13. How do I unlink my social accounts from Myforex?

    Security settings
    You can disable social login using your Google or Twitter account from the security settings af...
  14. I can't log in using my authenticator app.

    Security settings
    If your two-factor authentication method is set to "Two-factor authentication with authent...
  15. I want to change my two-factor authentication method to login password.

    Security settings
    When changing personal information such as your phone number, Myforex uses a two-factor authent...
  16. No security code is sent after several SMS verification attempts.

    Security settings
    If too many SMS security codes are requested within a certain period of time, the feature will ...
  17. Is my login secure?

    Security settings
    To protect your account, security alerts will be triggered when there is a login from a differe...

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